Fikissimi fresh high quality Italian figs


Production of Excellence

Fikissimi is a leading company in the production and marketing of high quality fresh Italian figs for large-scale retail trade and fruit and vegetable markets in Italy and Europe.
With a vast extension of over 100 hectares of land in southern Italy, Fikissimi stands out for the management of impeccable production. The combination of our own production and collaborations with suppliers allows us to offer top quality Italian figs throughout the summer period, from June to September, embracing each variety with its specific ripening period.

Craftsmanship and Expert Know-How:

Artisanal care of figs is at the heart of our business. Fikissimi personally engages in selection and processing, boasting expertise accumulated over 20 years of experience in the industry. Thanks to the use of advanced technologies applied to the world of figs, we guarantee high-quality standards and timely delivery throughout Europe.

Commitment to Research and Development:

We are pioneers in research and development, continually investing in the experimentation of new varieties and innovative cultivation methods. With an active experimental field hosting over 20 new varieties, we aim to be the protagonists in future European markets, maintaining a constant commitment to improving the quality of our supply.

Cutting-Edge Technology:

Fikissimi is at the forefront of seeking technological solutions to optimize the quality of our offering. We apply the most advanced technologies in the fresh fig sector, ensuring excellence in harvesting, post-harvest, and packaging.

Export of Quality Italian Figs:

In addition to satisfying the Italian domestic market, we proudly dedicate ourselves to exporting our Italian figs throughout Europe. Our focus on quality and innovation allows us to surpass the competition, offering a unique product that reflects the love and commitment we put into our work.

Fikissimi is synonymous with top-class Italian figs, a company that combines tradition and innovation to provide a unique and delightful experience to all our customers.